Deep Sea Divers Den Campaign
When one of the oldest dive operations on the Great Barrier Reef was looking for new and different marketing material to elevate their brand presence online, we delivered with a comprehensive promotional package including a stand-along promotion, ten customer testimonial videos, and POS support for video displays.
This is the web promotion, featuring unique graphics
This customer tells why Deep Sea Divers Den is popular with locals.
A newly certified diver relates his experience learning to dive with Deep Sea Divers Den on the Great Barrier Reef
A customer explains why he returns to Deep Sea Divers Den for the GBR
An experienced diver shares why Deep Sea Divers Den offers a great SCUBA experience.
Is it worth a 14-hour flight to dive the GBR with Deep Sea Divers Den? This American thinks so!
A first-time diver relates her experience with Deep Sea Divers Den with amazement.
Deep Sea Diver Den offers discover SCUBA adventures for customers who want to try it without getting certified
This first-time diver glows with excitement after her first certified dive with Deep Sea Divers Den
Deep Sea Divers Den has world-class instructors and training facilities. This first-timer tells her story